The blog of an ADHD developer
ADHD + Free Time
Free time, hobbies, tinkering around, blogging
It's funny now, but I have been trying to write for years lol. Here is an interesting look at my most recent attempt, and what it took to get here.
Let's have a peek at 2023
I had this fantastic idea last year to start writing to keep my thoughts in order and share some of the things I have learned over the years. I have been a developer for a long time, and I have learned many things worth sharing.
So I built the site, rebuilt it in a new framework, tweaked the UI for a week, and wrote a sample post.
Here is where the real magic begins! Nothing, the site goes dormant, rinse and repeat year after year.
I can laugh about this now as I have become more open about my ADHD, and I have learned to embrace it.
There is a long post about overcoming odd fears and struggles; I opened up on LinkedIn and slowly crawled back to the internet. That will be long, and I need time to digest everything for that, and a proper way to thank so many people that came to help me. I love you all, and I am so grateful for your support.
Ah, crap, there is that ADHD... let's have a look at my work over the past year 🤣
The majestic unicorn of a blog is built!
More like you looked at's blog and said ~ Nice, I like this design, I can build that without looking at the source.
The landing page
So full of wonder and excitement. Random quotes from actors, two stub links to posts that don't exist, and a link to the About page. The About page is a single paragraph about me.
Here is a link to some photos of our animals and some decent information about giving back...
Okay, it's not all bad, but it's not great.
The blog posts
Absolutely riveting, I know. I have a post about a post that I will write and a post about. August. Who wants to avoid reading about August?
This was the blood, sweat, and tears of 2023; it seems my commitment to writing was not as strong as I thought, and a few months later, I am back to the drawing board.
The projects
My side hobby is building random SaaS projects and hosting them on the edge, paying for their databases... For the simple satisfaction of pulling my phone out and playing a toy app, lol.
I like to do this and will continue; building or cloning random projects is a terrific way to learn.
I spent much time with Next.js and Remix this past year, coming to the conclusion... I like them both a lot ; I do not see the big whoop and will gladly use them both. Remix adding Vite was dope. This site is Remix, and I am also writing a few tutorials that use Remix. Shit, on topic, Ryan! 🤣
The zoo?
Seriously? Okay, never again, I cannot believe I started putting more love into making pictures of our animals edge accessible across the globe, then I did any content.
I also cannot believe I became that person... at all; oh well, I do love our little critters so much ❤️
2024 - Did you restart three timess?
I decided recently to write, ramble, get over some fears, and maybe I can teach a thing or two.
Naturally, what I had was not good enough, nor was any template available for Next, React, Astro, HTML, whatever, nope I had to build a new site before I could write a word.
Take - 1 | Scene - Next 14
I started with an exciting day of changing colors, fonts, and margins. Naturally I had to use the latest and greatest of everything, and I had to make it all work together.
I had just finished cranking out a slew of larger Next applications using the app router and a mix of RSC with tRPC. I went with Next per usual, and started getting flashy.
Take - 2 | Scene - Remix
There you have it, the final version is NOT on Next 🤣 🤦 🚀
I did this...
rm -rf portfolio-2024/
npx create-remix@latest
Now you are here.
It took me a week to write a post, I had to build two seperate sites. I had to get a little silly and have some fun to actually deliver hahahaha.
Did you enjoy a tour of how my mind thinks?
I am going to write, I am going to teach, and I am going to be me. I am going to be different, and I am going to be okay with that.
I am going to take a long time to get content out 🤣
As you can 👀, I had to create several new websites to get a post out.
Believe it or not, this is progress, I never make it past the creation of the new site!
I missed being different in public
I was watching Pop Star with my better half per usual, and I was laughing at the scene where they are trying to write Incredible Thoughts.
💡 I need to weave humor and what I love into this whole maintaining writing and teaching. I have no idea why this is how my brain thinks; who cares? It worked :)
It needs to be different; stop chasing what everyone else is; that is not you! I always loved using niche tools like Elixir, Clojure, and Emacs, and I have always loved the idea of being different.
So here I am, for the first time in years off Vercel on a personal site, being different, that part feels a little weird. 😱