Remix and Vite 🔥


Remix and Vite are officially offiical. This is a kind of a big deal and I love it.

SPA mode

Door Unlocked

The most significant change we’ve made is so important that we’ll reserve discussing its impact on the React ecosystem for a later post.

The short version is that Remix now supports building purely static sites that don’t require a JavaScript server in production, all while keeping the benefits of Remix’s file based route conventions, automatic code splitting, route module prefetching, head tag management and more.

This unlocks an entirely new migration path for React Router consumers to move to Remix without having to switch to a server-rendered architecture — which for many people isn’t even an option. And for anyone that wants to introduce a server to their Remix app in the future, the migration path is now much more straightforward.

For more information, check out the SPA mode documentation.